Floral Joy, Delivered
Floral Joy, Delivered
Floral Joy, Delivered


A list of frequently asked questions and answers.

When do you deliver?

Because we really like you, we offer delivery 6 days a week! (Every day except Sunday)

Where do you deliver?

Our delivery area includes Milwaukee and surrounding suburbs. If you aren't sure, give us a call and we can confirm whether or not we can make it work! Our handy dandy ordering system will also let you know if the location you would like us to deliver to is out of range. If it is out of range, just give us a call, we can usually still accommodate deliveries a little further out.

How much is delivery?

Delivery cost ranges from $15-$30 depending on delivery location. Additional details at checkout.

Is there a minumum for delivery?

Yes, there is a $55 minimum for delivery orders.

Do you offer same day delivery?

We do! Same day delivery is based on availability, so our online ordering system will not allow you to select the same day for delivery. For same day delivery, please call the studio to confirm availability and place your order. Please note that the recipient must also be available for the delivery. If the recipient is not available for the delivery the same day, we will coordinate the delivery for the recipient's next available day/time.

Do you delivery on weekends or holidays?

We do! We offer delivery Monday through Saturday and for select holidays. Holiday deliveries are limited and on a first come first serve basis, so please plan to order ahead. Please call us to confirm availability and place your order.

What if the recipent isn't there?

No worries! We always call the recipient to schedule the delivery for when they are available. We will not make a delivery without confirming the recipient will be available to receive the flowers and we will not simply leave the delivery unless we have coordinate alternate arrangements with the recipient and can ensure safe delivery of your order.

Special Note: Flower Availability

Although we make every effort to have all flower selections shown on hand, substitutions may be made depending on current availability.